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Optimizing Kid's Brain Health, Holistically.
Without Meds!

Unlock Your Child's Potential

 Personalized Approaches for Anxiety, ADHD, and Depression

Guided by Genomic Insights & Functional Medicine


Feeling overwhelmed?


Told it's just a phase? Have you been shamed and told it's bad parenting? 

You know better.

Your child struggles with focus, sleep, anxiety, or more.


It's taking a toll.


You want solutions that address the root cause, without jumping to medications.

You've scoured the internet, feeling lost. Is the information safe? Effective?

Or maybe you've tried treatments that didn't work?

Ready to break the cycle?



Work with an experienced integrative pediatrician to create holistic health solutions for your kids.

Invest in Your Child's Health.

My Renew & Thrive Brain Health Program

  • Personalized 1 hour Happy Brain breakthrough session

    • To create a crystal-clear vision of what happy brain health would look like for you and your child and to craft your 6-month health goals.

  • 45 minute monthly zoom followup sessions (total of 5 sessions)

  • Monthly 20 minute phone call check ins (total of 5 sessions)

  • Monthly tailored health plan that may include, supplements, nutrition, stress management, hydration, sleep, exercise, environmental toxins, botanicals, homeopathy, genomics

  • Access to my Educational program library 

  • Direct Email to me for Questions that can't wait until the next session

  • Two advanced diagnostic tests FREE!

***Scholarships: A portion of your consult fee is set aside in a scholarship fund to cover consults and labs for those who are under resourced for my services***

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How does it work? 

  • Calm and Relaxed

  • Attending School

  • Staying at school the whole day

  • Focusing

  • Able to sit still

  • Emotionally regulated

  • Tantrums Decreased

  • Sleeping through the night

  • Eating a variety of foods

As a result of our work, my clients are: 

  • Resilient

  • Happy

  • Sociable

  • Healthy Friend Groups

  • Self soothing

  • Going with the flow

  • Healthy habits

  • Easily getting Homework done

  • Headache and stomachache free

Testing Recommendations

I may recommend lab tests to evaluate vitamin and nutrient status, food reactions, and more.

Sleep Recommendations

I’ll address sleep concerns so that your family can finally get the rest it deserves and your child can heal.

Stress Management Recommendations

I’ll zero in on the best ways to keep to stress in check and what to do when things have already become overwhelming.

Nutrition Recommendations

We’ll work closely to craft ideas that will delight every member of your family and provide optimal nutrition.

Exercise Recommendations

We’ll work closely to choose exercise programs that make sense for your child’s or teen’s interests and health condition.

Supplement Recommendations

Food should provide most of your nutrition, but nutritional supplements can fill in the gaps and optimize your health.


Your kids genetics could be causing them to not feel well. We'll change that with supplements specific to your child's genes.

Environmental Information

Your environment should be making you healthy, stress free and promote wellbeing

Tinley, CA

I never felt embarrassed asking questions... Dr. Ellie would help me understand the benefits, considerations, alternatives, and potential risks of every path forward... Dr. Ellie doesn't just see the whole child, whom she regards with tender delight and a keen medical mind, but the whole family creating health together. I am so grateful that Dr. Ellie was my partner in providing a healthy start to my son's life--it's been everything a parent could ask for

Elijah B, NC

Through working with Dr. MacGregor, I was able to resolve several health issues I was facing by improving my sleep and diet, as well as through replenishing certain things I was missing with supplements she suggested. I have worked with several doctors in the past and Dr. MacGregor was able to help me not only because of her knowledge of integrative medicine but also because she is willing to spend the time in her longer sessions to find a resolution to the root of the issues I was facing 


When I met Dr. Ellie I was caught in the unhealthy habits that I had grown up with, such as diet and screen time. Through the health plan she created for me, I was able to slowly adjust my way of eating, my unhealthy use of technology and I found the right balance in creating a life of longevity and happiness. She helped me understand that health corresponds to both the mind and body. Finding the balance of the two has been key to setting my health up to do the things I love.

How it Works


New Client Application

You will fill out the new client application. Get to the application by clicking the "Work With Dr. Ellie" button anywhere on my website. If your family is a good fit, I will send you and email where you can schedule a call with me to chat and get your questions answered. 


Ongoing Optimization

Follow up consults twice monthly to fine tune  your plan and provide continued support. 


Comprehensive Evaluation

At your first visit, we can dive right into your health goals, concerns and hopes for you and your child. We dive into your child's past medical history, nutrition history, sleep history, environmental history and any current concerns or health goals. 


Reach Your Child's Full Potential

My goal is to help your child reach their full potential. In turn, Life just got easier for you too. 

Exercise Recommendations
Testing Recommendations
Nutrition Recommendations
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